Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Good Stuff Eatery "Embroiled" in Meatastrophe

Local news reports noted that D.C. health inspectors have been snooping around the newly opened Good Stuff Eatery. Among the problems, as reported by WTOP:
Hand washing facilities were not accessible to employees
Food contact surfaces (cutting boards) were not properly sanitized
Food was not segregated, separated and protected

And, most damning from a public relations perspective, though perhaps least worrisome, at least according to the restaurant's management:
Beef stored in alley
The crew at GSE claims this was because the meat had just been offloaded from trucks and was in vaccuum-sealed containers before being moved into the refrigeration unit... conveniently located in the same back alley.

However, WTOP goes into further detail of the health inspector's report. Other items found in the alley included potatos and bread. So, have reports of unsanitary conditions been the result of NIMBY conflicts? Or, are dirtier things afoot? One thing is clear. Rather than express contrtion and explain away the mischaracterizations of conditions (as Mendelsohn and company assert) Good Stuff is thumbing its nose at the criticism with a new reported "Back Alley Burger." At this point, with clean inspection reports on 12 and 15 September, my only complaint is that this hip crew can't update their website with a description of the alley burger!

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